Assist you and your team in securing best-in-class IT and telecommunications services, with industry leading pricing, and superior terms and conditions with true SLA's and governance modeling.
Dunlaing Consulting will help you navigate to the next-generation Cloud and virtual business environments securely leveraging platforms for IaaS, PaaS, SaaS & emerging technology IT environments.
You know where you need to go, but do not have the team or the time to evaluate migration. Dunlaing has experience moving from the legacy platforms to the optimized future end-state.
Dunlaing has an unbiased perspective on what should be managed, or maintained directly by your team. Not every element needs to be managed, but nothing is sacred when being properly evaluated.
Add immediate experience to your new management team, perform excellent due diligence in order make both the right investment with better and faster returns.
Remove "analysis paralysis" and make your business decisions using critical empirical data. Allow us to help you build a custom portal to take your "big data" and deliver valuable information to drive your business decisions and strategy.
Dunlaing can help you build, train and drive a sales team with results. We will jointly define their charter for success and measure the effectiveness delivering a true ROI and increasing effectiveness.
Find out how your company can open new markets, make new partnerships work to add revenue and increase profit. Dunlaing has relationships to connect to your needs.
Drive your business operation with an advanced mobility strategy using iOS & Android devices as well as M2M solutions for management and monitoring of your business outcomes.
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